This research is aiming for creating large fabric pieces with small pieces so there would be no waste from cutting out patterns pieces with traditional methods. While I am exploring different interlocking patterns, the geometric lines remind me of the lines and shapes in the visual design system in Islamic art. Therefore, I started my research on the geometry of Islamic art. The definition of "Aniconism" is the avoidance of images of sentient beings in some forms of Islamic art, which is based on the belief that the creation of a living form is God's prerogative. The stunning patterns are simply made of repeated squares and circles which are overlapping and intersect with each other. I am wondering what if I use materials with transparency to create patterns like Islamic art.

I called my Saudi friend who is an architect. We looked through some books together. The book Islamic Geometric Patterns has step-by-step instructions on how to create the patterns, and how to combine them to make very ornate patterns.

create simple shapes and use the array command to figure out intersection lines in Rhino.

Other types of Geometric tiling

I read about the infinite pattern that never repeats such as Robison tiling, Penrose tiling, wang tiling. etc
I also found out that I unintentionally did "Rhombus tiling" in a quilted jacket I made before.
penrose Wang


The color inspiration is from the Iranian Mosque Narir ol molk

pictures from marriage-blog.blogspot.com. ceremonie de mariage au maro
I like how decorated Takchita is. Takchita is a traditional Morrocan garment that is worn for celebrations. In this project, I combine the aesthetics or ornate Takchita and None-figurative geometric patterns by replacing the traditional embroideries with laser cut and piecing the small geometric pieces together.
Illustration of the design

The color inspiration is from the Iranian Mosque Narir ol molk
I think it will be nice to use materials with transparency because in Islamic non-figurative patterns are created by intersecting lines

Testing fabrics
Latex was a bit oily after laser cutting. soap works well but made it sticky. I also tested using a 3d printing pen on fabric. would come out better if I had used high gauge nylon organza.

Half scale dress
I did it on half-scale because the time was limited, also the fabric samples needed more testing. Therefore I just made a mini dress to imagine how will it take with proper fabric on a full scale.