Examining options to convert fabrics into rigid structures, or alternatively, employing solid elements in place of traditional fabrics.
I began with a basic head model and adapted it to resemble my own face using a reference picture and Blender. I followed a specific tutorial video, finding Blender user-friendly. To ensure precise sizing, I exported the model to Rhino, measured my own head, and scaled the model to achieve a 1:1 ratio.
3 D scanning
I used Rhino to combine the head model and the board. I used the flaten tool on blender to smoothen the hard edges and the areas I want to blur out.
This is the final model. I used a miling machine to cut on foam. I would do it on wood if I am going to make it again.
I see it as prototype. I didn't use intended hard leather because I want to test patterns and the mold first. I think the pattern for the bag is ok, I like the size and shape, but need some inprovement on the corners. and the mold looks slightly awkward because I wanted to emphasize my jawline but it came out looks like a full head with super tiny forhead. I will imrpove the shape of the mold. I have contact the milling service that I worked with, they say they can do a mold with copper fot me. I think it will look nice with really thick leathers.
I also asked people to scan my torso with 3d scanner. maybe I can make a mold for candles. or something... I used slicer to make a simplified form of it.
I was just playing with 3D scanner and trying to make something...
Fabric samples
Crystalize salt on fabric.
I made a mold with laser cutting on acrylic and cast directly on fabric.
resin cast on fabric.
try to recreate the textile sample of the water splash dress of Iris van Herpen.